Electronic Miscellaneous Document – EMDs




EMD Types

Reason for Issuance Codes and Sub-Codes

Void and Refund Capabilities



EMD Overview

 An EMD is an official IATA standard document used to facilitate payment of optional/ancillary services. It allows the Airline Industry to sell and track the usage of charges; be that for example a penalty change fee, excess baggage, seat charges, or other services and fees where an airline permits.

An EMD works like an e-Ticket (ET) in that it is issued for a service to be rendered, a receipt is issued to the customer, and value coupons are stored in an electronic record in the airline's system database. Today, most GDS systems have EMD capability.




EMD Types

There are two types of EMDs:


Electronic Miscellaneous Document-Associated
The EMD-A is the industry standard designation for an EMD that is automatically associated to the PNR/Order.


·         Payment for seat assignment

·         Instant Upsell



Electronic Miscellaneous Document-Standalone

The EMD-S is the industry standard designation of an EMD that is issued as a standalone service/fee and is not automatically associated to a specific product or service within a PNR/ Order.

American Airlines allows Standalone EMD’s to be issued for certain services with specific fees.  

Note: For fees/services related to a specific ticket, agencies are required to enter the ticket number in the “Issued in Connection with” field within the EMD Screen. This will ensure all accounting/audit systems cross-reference the transactions.



Reason for Issuance Codes and Reason for Issuance Sub Codes

EMD-S type documents must reflect both a Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) and a Reason for Issuance Sub Code.

The RFIC will always be D – Financial Impact and the Sub Code (RFISC) will vary as described below:


·         RFISC – 997

o   Specific to Group Deposits

·         RFISC – 993

o   Reservations Change Fee


Note: Depending on GDS or Technology Provider capabilities and subject to local country laws, Reservations Service Fees can also be collected on the new ticket as part of the Exchange/Reissue process using the “CP” (Change Penalty) Tax Code.




Void and Refund Capabilities


·         Void is allowed on both EMD types within the standard ticket void window.

·         Refund is allowed on both EMD types within the standard ticket void window

o   Automated Refunds must be active in the BSP table

o   Only the PCC which issued the EMD can refund the EMD.


Note:  For refunds outside the standard 24 hour/1 Business Day window, agency must contact Agency Support for assistance as most EMD-S services will be non-refundable, with few exceptions.





Update:  December 2024